Shlomo Carlbach always spoke of getting to “the inside of the inside of the inside”
Religion is the outside, spirituality is the inside
The Maggid declared "Shlomo my spiritual master, held to orthodoxy with its rules and limitations. Shlomo had a concept of invisible walls. In many cases kashrut separates you from others. When I became religious I wanted to be close to people. Is irritating for others that we can’t eat other people’s food. But when you are full of love, not feeding you is not of the essence. Shlomo exuded love as he kept the rules and transcended them as well."
Carlabach’s teachings are at the center of Judaism. Shlomo used to say quoting the Kutzer Rebbe” G-d only loves what is real” everything that is phony does not matter. Don’t let other people tell you if you have worth. You decide your relationship to G-d. We give people honor, allowing ourselves to be humbled as well as defending our rights and dignity.